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Saturday, January 10, 2004

i got a haircut today. it's now ear-length... pretty short. the stylist was shaking his head all the time and was saying "uhh... what a waste... blah, blah, blah.." oh well, hair is cut and i feel so much better... so fresh, with nothing hanging around my neck.

posted by san san   10:30 PM

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

hey!! me finally decided to drag myself out of laziness and try to figure out this blogger thingy! by the way... i've updated theglev site as well.
here in vancouver has nothing exciting but snow. snow, snow, snow... everything is covered in white... it was -9oC (with windchill -18oC!!!) yesterday and -6oC for today (hey! i know compared to some places in japan, this is nothing.. but think about it, this is vancouver! it's pretty damn cold here!). but too bad we didn't get a white christmas this yr. we almost had it... it started snowing on the nite of boxing day (at least that's what i heard, i wasn't here... yet). we got tons of snow this yr. i can finally test out my ALL-WHEEL DRIVE baby! but it's really quite dangerous on the road, not fun AT ALL!

posted by san san   6:26 PM