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Saturday, February 28, 2004

It's finally Friday night (or... midnight)!! Went to Krispy Kreme earlier. They just opened one in Surrey last Tuesday. A lot of people actually lined up the night before their Grand opening. Isn't that crazy?? All these lining up just for a doughnut? Anyhoo... speaking of craziness, we lined up for an hour and half and I bought two dozens myself (hey... after lining up on the street in the cold weather, might as well get more than just one or half a dozen =P.) Kinda reminds me of the time we lined up at the night market trying to buy "long so tong" (Dragon Moustache Candy??). We lined up for an hour? And we each bought one pack home. Aww... some memorable summer.... Oh ya... so back to the story... The funny thing was, when we were lining up on the street, a car (in some distance) went past us and some guy in the car yelled out reaaaally loud saying, "Tim Hortins is just two blocks away!" The crowd just laughed. Poor Tim Hortins.

Breaking news! I will be getting braces soon. It is gonna be two years of suffering for me. For those of you who ain't gonna be back in two years, you are soooo gonna miss it! =)

So there won't be any new episodes of "Friends" for a while. The following six weeks will broadcast the 6 highest voted episodes from the sixth to number 1 (yes, u can go vote too). And then it would be the final countdown. =(. Last week's episode was kinda leave you hanging though. But we all know Ross and Rachel will end up together... (or, do we?)

Tomorrow will be Feb 29th - the once every 4 yrs special day. But I guess I will just stay home and do some reading, some thinking... That's gonna be how I welcome the arrival of March.

posted by san san   12:17 AM

Friday, February 13, 2004

You guys have to see this... http://www.williamhung.net/
Americans, Canadians all love him!! He is now the most popular guy. That 1 min thing was the most requested song on all radio stations last week!! i have heard it like twenty times!! it's crazy!

This is really funny too. Check it out!

Happy Valentine's Day!

posted by san san   11:48 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

WOW.... this is exciting!! we actually FINALLY have THE GLEV officially running! hehe... way to go, girls!
john mayor is performing in vancouver on Feb 14th, z953 is doing those tickets give-away games. the questions were sooo eassssy!! i could have won too! sarah mcLachlan is having hers too in vancouver some time in september. they are doing that "guess the song name of this cell phone ring tone" kinda game, and i couldn't believe nobody realized it was "Fallen"!! it was sooo easy!! finally, some guy called in and guessed it right. but he kept on saying how it sounded wierd on a cell phone. duh... i guess we were too "used to" those kind of games.
i watched last week's "friends". hehe... it was hilarious! they haven't had a good one for quite a while. the press said they had already finished filming the last episode of "friends" in early Feb. they had to kick the audiences out of the set so that no one will know what the end is like. i guess we will have to wait until mid may. oh... and guess which of the six cried the most in the big party after the final filming?

posted by san san   8:13 PM

Friday, February 06, 2004

Pretty busy last couple of weeks. In the past few weekends, I was trying to "re-model" my room. Basically, I tore down 2 bookshelves, plus 1 small wardrobe of mine. So... you can all figure what my room looked like when all those that were originally in that 3 furnitures were all over my room. Hehe... took me a few weeks to "sort of" clean the mess up. If you guys were wondering why I hadn't done anything to my page, I just explained why... =)

My station at work, which I had been sitting/working/slacking off for more than a year and a half, is no longer mine. The company decided to build a few more workstations and I had to move to the other side. Today was officially the first day I sat in the new cubicle. Hmm... there are good sides and down sides with my new station. My old station was closer to the photocopier and washroom. Many people used to walk past my station to the photocopier/fax room. But the main, main thing is: no one can see me slacking off (well, at least not my boss... unless he was spying on me). With the new cubicle, I am closer to my boss and supervisor (meaning no slacking off) but at least not as lonely... I guess.

posted by san san   6:16 PM