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Saturday, March 13, 2004

last week was filled with mixed emotions. it first started off with a near-death experience.

i was driving home from work. it was a sunny day. basically, i had to merge onto highway 91. in front of me was a big, sloww truck. so i had to be careful when merging coz cars on the highway were pretty fast. after i merged onto the slow lane, i tried to change to the fast lane (because of the truck) and that's when the scary part happened... when i accelerated slightly and turned my wheel left, my car wasn't "shifting" to the left! instead, it headed straight to the center block (the block that separates the opposite traffic)! my first reaction was to stamp on the brake and tried to swirl away (which might not be the right thing to do, but it was my first reaction)... but when i did that, my car went the opposite direction and straight to the right lane and heading to the big truck which was ahead of me earlier! so.. i swirled left again and then right, and then left five times!! my car was squealing and moving in a "S" direction on the fast lane nearly hit the center block and almost hit the big truck (for 5 times!!) and it finally stopped. but i could hear all the cars behind me squealing so i had to accelerate again! whew.... lucky my car is still in one piece and nothing happened (although my wrists hurt slightly) .... but still, scared the hell out of me. it was like.... REALLY CLOSE. once i got home, i immediately call for car service.

i felt sick and NOT HAPPY for the rest of the night. BUT, me happy again the next day. i got to go downtown to attend some seminar for 4 days!! not only the seminars were interesting and useful (plus a lot of cute, young white guys in suits!) but can u imagine staying away from coquitlam office and certain ppl for 4 days? it was soooo cool. i even had 1 and a half hour lunch break! what's better to do than shopping and eating? hehe... me happy. this was probably the best week after i started working. not that i hate my job. but everyone needs to cool themselves off once in a while... and i definately needed one since no day off since January 1st, which seemed so long ago.

posted by san san   12:57 PM

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Last night was the SUCCESS Gala. Let me think... the stars are: Hacken Lee, Edmond Leung, Joey Yung, Miriam Yeung, Boyz, Alex Fong, Ah "Cow", and etc... Yes... this year is quite "worth a watch"... but i didn't go. didn't really want to use 5+ hrs of a busy saturday night to see a show that i know will be on tv next week. so...

i took out 2 teeth on Friday night... now my right side has two holes in it (can't really see it...) and next week there will be 2 more on the left. (hehe.. it's kinda getting disgusting, so i'll stop here).

there will be a bunch of conferences i will have to attend over the next week but i still haven't started reading over the new regulations yet!!! aww crap...gotta read!

posted by san san   9:36 AM