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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

as i was driving to work this morning, i heard something interesting on the radio. it's a contest to win something (forgot what it is) and it's all about Canada (as Canada Day is getting close). so the DJ called up somebody from the States before the game started and asked him questions about Canada (off the air). And the contestant (from canada) had to guess if the american guy answered the questions correctly. Here goes...

[REC]= Recorded, [PRE]= Present

DJ: (To Robbie, the american guy) Robbie, what is a "Saskachewan"?
(To Amy,our contestant from vancouver)Do u think Robbie got it Right? or Wrong?
Amy: I think he got it ... Wrong!
Robbie: Saskachewan.... i dunno... is it a province?
DJ: Oh... he got it right!! i guess Robbie knows something about Canada.
Amy: Oh.... that's too bad...
DJ: ok... 2nd question.
(To Robbie) what are the 2 official languages in Cananda?
(To Amy) Amy, do u think he got it Right? or Wrong?
Amy: oh... i think he got it right.
Robbie: Oh... ummm.... French... and ummm.... i really don't know.... ummm... Russian?


What the...?

posted by san san   9:24 PM

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

i didn''t have time to update my blogger for the past couple of weeks. i didn't even have time to do anything. it was about my granpa. he had a stroke a little more than 2 weeks ago. some of you may know my grandparents fly here from hk every year and stay at our place for a few months. So... on May 18th... as usual, I woke up at ~7am, getting ready for work. when i went past my grandparents' room, i knew something was wrong, my granma was kneeling down next to my granpa, who was lying on the edge of the bed with his feet on the ground, conscious but not able to move and speak. my mom, who also just woke up said we should take him to see a doctor. i told them not to freak out first but we should call 911 and take him to a hospital. and so now my granpa is still staying at the hospital. to make the matter worse - he is a visitor and the hospital fees are insane. lucky he bought insurance, but because of his old age (he's 86, my granma 80), the coverage is very minimal. Thank god he is improving and is doing a lot better, but his left side is still paralyzed... hopefully it's just temporarily and he will be able to move soon. To make the story short, the condition of my granpa is now stable and the doctors agreed that he should fly back to hk for better treatment (because of the $$ here). my granpa will be flying back this saturday, accompanied with 1 doctor and 1 nurse from hk, and along with my mom. he will be lying down during the whole flight taking up 4 seats. and once he arrives hk, an ambulance will be waiting and will take him to hospital right away.

i was pretty sad and exhausted for the past 2 weeks. i took the first few days off to talk to doctors and also to take care of the admittance and stuff. and then, every day is work, hospital, home. my family had to take turns to stay at the hospital overnight with him. my mom wouldn't let me do it so she basically had to stay at the hospital almost everynight until my aunt from LA came and help out.

another sad news, a pregnant lady from my workplace went in labor last week, but her baby girl didn't live. everyone is so upset. she already took a year of maternity leave. we even bought her and her baby presents, wrote cards... so sad. Once again, i feel that life is so fragile. Not that i didn't know this fact before, these feelings were especially strong when a best friend passed away or the 9-11. but it sorta fades out when nothing bad happens and i almost started to believe that life is so perfect.

posted by san san   6:47 PM