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Thursday, July 22, 2004

sorry for not updating. a lot of things occupied my mind for the past few weeks.... i was moody, and i got sick (literally. yes.... again!). u know, i used to believe that money is not a big thing. i mean, yeah money is important, w/o $$, u can do nothing. but, i mean... like when i was looking for a job, i didn't care about the salary that much, or when i wanted to buy something really bad, i don't really need second thoughts (of course i am talking about something reasonable). but i suddenly realized that when a person needs to have second thoughts on how much he/she will spend on everything... or cannot follow his/her dream because of one's economical difficulty, it's sad. i know not everyone is fortunate. i knew that all along. i guess i am lucky because i have nothing to worry about and i can just go to my parents and they will be there for me. we grew up in a way that our family will support us no matter what it takes to pursue our dreams. but, some people don't have a family to back them up, or worse, they may even have to support their family on their own. i guess a lot of us have taken this for granted. ok... i don't really know what i wanna say, so i'll end this topic here.

went to Sun Sui Wah couple of days ago. it was work related stuff. we had a supplier from seattle who came up to vancouver and asked us out (us = my department = 3 ppl). dinner was at 630pm. we left work at 530 and each of us were to drive ourselves there. but, my coworker's car broke down on the way there! my boss was trying to contact that guy to see if we can re-schedule or make the dinner like 830 or something because we have to wait for the toll truck. but obviously that guy didn't turn on his cell phone (come on, how can a bussiness man not turn on his cell phone >:( ! ) so... my boss stayed behind with my coworker and which means i had to go there and entertain that guy for 2 hrs! lucky i had been to lunch with that guy quite a few times and so it's not as awkward. that guy is an ABJ, early 30's. but he has never been to Asia. we did had a good conversation together and i don't think i bored him (hopefully). hehe... but the good part of this story is that I ordered abalone, shark's fin, alaska king crab for dinner! nice dinner =)!

posted by san san   7:37 PM