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Monday, June 20, 2005

be calm, stay calm.

i'm now in zen mode. i'm actually quite impressed at myself.

if this happened a few years back, i would be super pissed and irritated. but i'm zen now.

that bitch/bastard out there, if i ever find out who you are, i'm gonna kick your a$$.

don't annoy me. i'm easily annoyed. no... i'm aloof. zen.

posted by san san   10:52 PM

i smell like cinnamon bun!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

argh! i was working on hemp today (again) and i needed cinnamon. my lab ran out of cinnamon powder which means i had to run to the warehouse to collect some more. it was inside a HUGE drum but when i opened the drum, there was only a few kilos left. my arm couldn't reach the bottom of the drum so i had to "climb" in there to get it... as u can imagine, i was covered in cinnamon after. >_< u all know just how much i HATE cinnamon!!! yuck!

i have a confession to make... i watched Mr & Mrs Smith! i know i said i ain't gonna watch it... but i also promised some ppl that i'd do whatever they want. so~... but i have to say it was a very entertaining movie indeed. oh btw, i never knew watching movie at tinseltown is only 7 bucks?? i know it is cheaper, but not that cheap! my only complaint would be the super sticky floor.

posted by san san   9:51 PM

not my fault!

somebody is still in vancouver apparently! haha... in my defense, somebody kept telling me about her leaving right after the wedding!! and i was never sure if she was gonna go on the 13th or not (that's why i was asking ppl!). haha... as for the part about her running away and getting married... hmmm... i know nothing about it =P. refer to her disclaimer.

posted by san san   9:38 PM

quick update before heading out...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

my coworker left the team. although i do get along with the new person very well, things are so different now. a lot more responsibilities... stress stress stress! let's just hope i don't get beat up by my boss =P

mom and dad went on a vacation again. they will be gone for 3 weeks this time. hey! *somebody* is going away tomorrow(?) too! *ahem* ARE YOU EVEN PLANNING TO TELL US? lol. yes hunny, i was refering to you. you are sooo busy! you are probably already in toronto when you read this! ah well... here's a Happy Birthday to you! i hope you find whatever you are looking for.

posted by san san   10:49 AM