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Sunday, July 24, 2005

OH MY GAWD! he is still soooo hot! he sang amazingly well (and i am not being bias here), and his dancing.... i cannot possibly think of anything to complain about. he sang mostly older songs (the ones in the 90's mostly, which are the best ones). the show was very entertaining to ALL senses indeed. i am glad i went.

it started with 對你愛不完 followed by a series of fast songs. he danced for almost 30 min straight right from the beginning! wow! not to mention the dancers and the band were also very awesome.

kudos to his costume designer. the light bulb costume (he was covered in possibly hundreds of colorful mini light bulbs...err like a christmas tree) for his "robot dance" in 鐵幕誘惑 and some other songs. and there were so many other great costumes such as the TOPLESS kendo (with topless male dancers too!), pink suit with the little green hat (heehee), and many others.

he played saxophone! i didn't know he could play! so after he sang 我為何讓你走, he played a verse of that song with the sax. that totally came out as a surprise. although it wasn't perfect (he had to play 3 times), the effort alone was worth more than 100%. and i have that part on video!

another highlight of the night was when he sang two of his oldest songs: 到底有誰能夠告訴我, 我是不是該安靜的走開 and the whole crowd just sang along.

oh and the encore part was grrrrrreat! as u guys can see, i am still super excited. i almost lost my voice after the concert. if i have to rate this concert, i give it 110%! thank you aaron!

posted by san san   3:03 PM

當我知道你們相愛 -- 郭富城

和妳分手已有多年 本來早不應該懷緬
可是已習慣 夜裡回憶重演 無法解釋 也無法改變

剛好接到妳一封信 信內說到妳的戀情
你和他之間 充滿美麗憧憬 好想祝福 卻言不由衷心

當我知道你們相愛 有了開始 有了未來
想替你開心 人卻無法釋懷 我的悲哀在眼底徘徊

當我知道你們相愛 我的心底泛起許多無奈
我的心在哭 我真的在乎 妳的離開


posted by san san   2:58 PM

random thoughts

Monday, July 11, 2005

byebye $300....*sigh*... =( ah well... time to give baby 4x4 a facial anyway...

an update on my missing camera piece - IT'S STILL MISSING. hmmm... where did it go?

counting down! 5 more days until harry potter! yay~

i don't like batman begins (movie was tooooo damn long... zzzzzz). and batman looks gay under the mask. the best super hero movie is still spiderman.

oh.. vikki, i found a mountain bike friend for you. his name is george. mind you, he just turned 59. oh... but he is not very good at it. he collided with a police officer while riding his bike in scotland... =)

how you get there is not important. what's important is to get there at the end. life is never perfect. the only way to live happy is to look beyond the imperfections.

this post is so random...

posted by san san   9:08 PM

Listening: I'll be there for you

I guess this time you’re really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
And as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love is suicide

You say you’ve cried a thousand rivers
And now you’re swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you won’t save me anymore

Now I’m praying to God you’ll give me one more chance, girl

I’ll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I’ll be there for you
I’d live and I’d die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can’t say what a love can do
I’ll be there for you

I know you know we've had some good times
Now they have their own hiding place
I can promise you tomorrow
But I can’t buy back yesterday

And baby you know my hands are dirty
But I wanted to be your valentine
I’ll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
When you get drunk, I’ll be the wine

And I wasn’t there when you were happy
I wasn’t there when you were down
I didn’t mean to miss your birthday, baby
I wish I’d seen you blow those candles out

posted by san san   8:19 PM

this is weird

Friday, July 01, 2005

i was in my room uploading pictures when i dropped something (some small part from my camera). i dropped it from about a feet off the carpet. it wasn't a tiny piece. it wasn't round. i even saw it landed - BUT I COULDN'T FIND IT. i tried looking with a torch. i tried moving things around. but nope. it simply vanished before my eyes.

posted by san san   10:07 AM