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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

change those you can't accept.
accept those you can't change.

i asked a friend:
if one cannot accept those that can't be changed, what to do?

my friend told me:
I am still searching for the answer.

posted by san san   11:10 PM

what is going on?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

okay, so "ICBC" called again. this is the forth time and once again, i wasn't there to answer the call. it was the same conversion over and over. M= Mom , J= Jerk

M: she's not home, who's this?
J: this is ICBC calling. when will she be around?
M: i don't know when she will be back, can i take a message?
J: no, i need to speak to her in person. (whyyyy???)
M: then can u leave me your name and number so that she can call you back?
J: she can check out our number from the internet. (what the hell?)
M: she already called ICBC and confirmed that NO ONE from ICBC had contacted her.
J: oh... we are not from ICBC... we are calling ON BEHALF of ICBC. (f**k off!)
M: do you have a number that she can call back?
J: oh... i will try again later. bye. [ hangs up ]

am i pissed?
1. it is very rude tell someone to check your damn number online.
2. i was actually a bit worried when i first knew about "the call" since i did file a claim just a few weeks before.
3. i went "on the internet" to look for their damn number and i realized there are a lot of numbers which just confuse me even more. hmm.... there are:
-Fairness Processes & How to dispute (emm.. no)
-If you are reporting a new claim (err... no?)
-If you have a question about getting on the road or staying on the road but not about an ICBC bill or refund (umm.. huh?)
-If you have a question about an ICBC bill or refund (hmm...)
-If you need to contact Autoplan Sales, and are calling from anywhere in North America (emm.. that would be no)
-To report a hit-and-run that you've witnessed, or to report other fraudulent behaviour (i wish someone was doing that)
-If you have a question about driver licensing or the Graduated Licensing Program for new drivers (whatever)
-If you would like to book a driver licensing road test (i hope not)
-If you would like to find out the damage or claims history of a vehicle (no)
(this is copied from ICBC website)
4. i was put on hold for 20 min when i called ICBC... all of our representatives are busy. please stay on the line. your call is very important to us.... i had to listen to that for twenty minutes.

does this make any sense? why is this moron calling my house looking for me? please explain. i am beyond confused. and please explain how i can check your number "from the internet" given you are calling on behalf of ICBC. and don't you dare call again jerk! you are extremely lucky that i wasn't there to pick up the phone or you will be sorry.

posted by san san   8:20 PM