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Saturday, October 29, 2005

did anybody tried the flavored water beverages? did i say they taste REALLY good? they taste almost like real juice except not as sweet and they're 0 calorie. and then i was thinking... i can make these at work too! i have all the things i need (sweetener, a library of flavors, acids...) so i'm gonna make my own drinks. so far, i've made a blackcurrant, and a grapefruit. my next project is gonna be pineapple and maybe lychee. if you guys want any custom-made flavors, tell me. you name it, i make it. :) i also need you guys to give me some ideas - no boring strawberries, raspberries, or citrus, ok?

posted by san san   10:43 AM

Sunday, October 16, 2005

i was gonna write a post asking you guys if i should cut my hair short. but it's not neccessary now coz i already had it cut. yay~

mom bought me aaron's concert on dvd! 4 dvds, 2 concerts (one from 2004, and one from 2005). if you ask me, the 05 one was better but he was too skinny!! 04 looked cuter. =P *drools*

canucks won again! go canucks go!


posted by san san   10:17 PM

Thursday, October 13, 2005

baby 4x4 's back and prettier than ever!

yup, baby 4x4 finally gets a perfect ass. no dimple.

sigh... i'll be more careful next time. =(

SOMEBODY *cough* better treat me souffle or creme brulee! oh... and 6 dinners.

posted by san san   10:45 PM

October 4th

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

it was exactly 13 years ago my family and i had set our first steps on Canadian soil.

O Canada
our home and native land
true patriot love
in all thy sons command
with glowing hearts
we see thee rise
the true north strong and free
from far and wide
O Canada
we stand on guard for thee
God keep our land
glorious and free
O Canada
we stand on guard for thee
O Canada
we stand on guard for thee.

posted by san san   10:26 PM