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end = new start?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

time always beats me.

i have a thing for procrastination. i thought about doing it for months. i procrastinated. and now, i might not even get a choice.

i hesitated. but it seemed to me that u had already given me up before i could say anything. there were so many things i wanted to complain about in the past few months. now they're totally pointless and i'm gonna keep them all to myself. this i learned from past experience - some things are better left unsaid. yeah, i agree this may be the best way for us. i know u tried every possible way to help.

i actually felt bad when i thought i had to tell you i am leaving. well, now u don't even need to know. u are the bad guy, not me.

i don't hide stuff. i tell people everything. i don't stab people in the back. does that mean i'm wrong? if i am, too bad. i'm stubborn and i won't change.

i had already given up long ago. i couldn't see a future even if i stayed. when i couldn't smile when i'm there, it's time for me to go. that was why i didn't even bother to negotiate. but still, it hurts to know.

this is a joke. it's so funny that i'm gonna head to bed and cry. no... i won't cry. this is actually a good thing- first good news since the start of 2006. the timing is almost perfect. everything will start to fall back in the right places from now on... right?

i just need to lie down.

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