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Monday, May 29, 2006

so it is true. i don't have self-control. when i watched too many movies in April, i said i was going to limit myself to only MI3 and the Da Vinci Code in May. and of course, i couldn't stick to my plan. but to be fair, i think MI3 wasn't great and the Da Vinci code was crap. and so i had to watch Over the Hedge to make myself feel better... and it did. so those who haven't watched it yet, go watch it. oh.. and i don't like X-men... so stop asking. =P now the big question... can i stay away from superman and garfield in june?

i am thinking about taking golf lessons. does anyone know a good golf instructor? i DO have a standard about the definition of a "good" instructor (i have a strict screening process... =P). so, if you know someone, let me know please.

an update on my shoulder/injection. i finally went to see the specialist last friday and in the end, i wasn't given any injection because mr specialist didn't think it was suitable for me. =( but he did give me an alternative method and asked me to try it out first - a topical anti-inflammatory cream that he formulated, which, by the way, looks exactly like the one i made for myself. he said i can go back in 2 months and if i still insist on the injection idea, we will decide then. so ok... i will wait another 2 months.

p.s. the stuff he gave me didn't work.

posted by san san   1:36 PM


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

after the long wait, the endless meetings, inforaation from my client and all his manufacturers, approval from third party, approval from the gov't ... blah blah blah. work had officially started last week. this is going to keep me busy for a while.

after a week of HARD work. i realize it is not easy to be your own boss. being an employee is so much easier because doing your tasks accurately is all you need. if you work fast, think ahead, stay alert... these things will earn you extra credits. and if you survive all the office politics and don't make enemies... congratulations, you are already on top of the best employees' list. right now, i check my email once every hour, i jump off my bed in the middle of the night to turn on my "new toy" to clarify something... i think i am starting to go mental. so people, this is not as fun as you all think even though i have to admit this is a very good experiencce and i am learning a lot. i am not complaining here. other than the fact that i'm still looking for a full time job, things are looking pretty good at the moment. =)

posted by san san   9:57 AM