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my resume updated =)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Gladys Siu (MM, RC)

Previous work experience:

Special skills:
-Good sense of smell (and taste)
-Fix guitar
-Excellent observation skills

-Stomping the floor
-Sitting in parking lots
-Playing with candles =P

-One successful MM experiment using by means of scientific method (set of actions and observations performed in a controlled environment in order to solve a question, and to find evidence to support the original hypothesis).
-The experiment resulted in two very happy guinea pigs.

posted by san san   3:54 PM


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What is with the weather? Did we just jump from summer to winter? This is winter weather!! I didn't even get the chance to wear my autumn sweaters and I am already taking out my winter jackets?? What happen to the cool September weather? aw man... it is so cold lately and since I killed my heating blanket, I had to move to a warmer room. But yay, my parents are coming home tomorrow so the house won't be as empty.

Fido network sucks. I can't go to Richmond Centre during weekdays because I don't want to miss some important calls. I thought being a free-lancer means I can avoid the weekend crowd!! I now work during the day like the rest of you except I can wear my PJs to work.

oh~ and happy birthday hunny!

p.s. I don't wear my PJs when I work at home. *update: of course I put on SOMETHING! geez...*

posted by san san   8:47 PM