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a post about LOST

Friday, January 26, 2007

okay... since LOST is returning soon (season 3.5, as they call it). I have decided to write something about it.

I liked LOST. Season 1 really blew my mind but Season 2 was disappointing and Season 3 so far is quite blah. I am hoping they end the series soon before people start to throw things at their tv.

I think the reason the show has lost its appeal is because they throw in wayyy too many mysteries. We love the suspense but we'd also like to get some answers once in a while. Right now, I don't see how they can wrap everything up without some lame explanations. (okay, I really hate they let us see the "monster" and it is actually some creepy black smoke. Way to go, smokey!)

To the writers of LOST:
1. Bring back the monster! Not smokey, but maybe the polar bear? or something really frightening. Right now, the losties don't even seem to want to leave the island. Bring back something that will scare the hell out of them and they will die to find ways out of the island.

2. Please focus on ONE island. One island is complicated enough... and now we have ANOTHER island? hmmm... I don't like it.

3. Focus on the original cast. I don't really care about the tailies ... at least, not anymore after Eko is gone. Who else is left? Bernard? Sorry, I don't hate you but I think it's time for you to sacrifice. And who are those new people? Suddenly, we are introduced to Nathan and the other girl (actually, I don't even remember if Nathan is the name)... but bottom line is, we don't care.

4. Lastly, some answers please. Like who are the others? What's with the numbers? etc etc.

Any comments? or what's your theory on LOST?

posted by san san   1:42 PM

Happy 2007!

Monday, January 08, 2007

A very belated Happy 2007 to everyone! (even though a week has already passed) I wish everyone ^_^ in 2007.

The first week of 2007 was pretty good for me. Very busy, a lot of traveling. And the best thing is... I know I am working toward something. I have a goal now. hee.

I went back to McNair today. Why? For my transcripts. I never return to that place after graduation (except for the vote, which I only went to the gym). And so, today I went back for the first time after 8 years. I parked my car and walked in through the nearest door. Now... where the hell is the main office????? Even if I have a better memory and remember where the office used to be, I wouldn't have known how to get there because McNair looks so different now. How different? Let's just say it looks a lot nicer than the crappy school it used to be. Yes, the main office SHOULD be near one of the entrances, but which one? Instead of wandering around the school halls (I didn't want to do that since so many students looked up when I passed by their classrooms already), I stopped one kiddie along the hall and asked him for directions. You won't believe how many kids were wandering the halls during class hour (so many kids need to take washroom trips, eh?) Luckily, that kid didn't pull a prank on me and I got to the main office according to his directions.

Anywho, the office clerk told me they no longer have my transcript (I am THAT old). I had to go to the board for it. Will pick it up Friday.

posted by san san   2:35 PM