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Love You Lately

Sunday, February 25, 2007

"You packed your last two bags.
A taxi's 'round the bend.
You used to laugh out loud,
But you can't remember when.
You lost your lies.
It's like you're moving out of time,
And the whole world crumbles right beneath you.

So I might've made a few mistakes,
But that was back when you would smile,
And we would go everywhere,
But we ain't been there for awhile.
And this I know,
There's a place that we can go-
A place where I can finally let you know.

'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately.
You and me, we got this great thing.
We're the only one's that around,
We're the only one's that around this Babylon."

posted by san san   2:28 PM

safety is important

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

today at work, we were trained to "how to properly put on safety gear for biological hazards".

the gear involves:
1) shirt + pants (my inspector uniform)
2) hair net
3) work boots
4) surgical gloves
5) plastic covers for boots
6) full body overalls (sort of like a spaceman uniform, haha)
7) another layer of plastic covers for feet
8) goggles
9) mask
10) plastic gloves

holy... took us 10 min to put them on. and we need a little "buddy system" to properly put on the gear. after we were all safely equipped, we looked like this:

posted by san san   2:22 PM