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the most brutal dream of all....

Monday, March 05, 2007

(beepbeep beepbeep beepbeep)
alarm clock went off

*BIG yawn*
now where is that annoying alarm clock? there it is... SHUT IT! *slams on it*

roll off bed ...
open eyes ...

get change ...
brush teeth ...

walk downstairs...
walk into kitchen

eh? sparkly breakfast on the table (ok... yeah, this part starts to get unreal but it is MY dream)!! yummmmm..... hmm....what to eat first?

(beep beep beep beep beep beep!!!!!)
getting louder and louder....

aww man!! i need to start the brutal process all over again?

and i didn't even get to touch the sparkly breakfast ... =(

posted by san san   8:47 PM

my night shift survival kit

1. coffee (x3) <--- cheap stinking office coffee
2. eyedrops <---- which brand? doesn't matter. whichever one stings your eyes the most
3. strong mints <---- super strong ones. definately helps waking up (plus good to have some after way too much coffee)
4. snacks (lots of it) <--- well, pretty self explanatory.

ho ngan fun ah!!! =(

posted by san san   7:39 PM

work work work...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

don't u hate the period when u are under training? i hate it.

it feels like everyone in the plant knows more than i do. but in my case, i am supposed to "monitor" them. how can i monitor 200 ppl when i am not too sure what i am doing myself? no wonder they say the ppl there won't like us inspectors cuz we are always in their way of short cuts. and on top of it, we don't talk to them, we don't smile, we remain a "business" kind of relation with them. who wouldn't hate us? i mean, if i were working there, i would definately hate that naive-looking girl sitting on a cushioned seat high up on a platform, pointing this, pointing that...

oh well... luckily, training days are almost over for me (i think). i learned all the pathologies and i can detect them. i am getting a hang of the job i am doing and i am progressing well. the people at work are mostly very nice and friendly (too friendly in some cases.... =S). if not for the fact that there are crazy OTs and graveyard shifts, this is actually not that bad.

posted by san san   10:35 AM