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i don't know if i should be happy or sad ...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

received the long anticipated letter today finally.

"Dear Gladys,
This is to inform you that the selection process has now been completed. The Selection Board has considered you to be qualified for the position and has placed your name in a Qualified Pool.
Please note the qualified pool is effective until January 31, 2008 and that you will remain eligible for consideration for placement should future vacancies occur....
... Congratulations on your success in this process."

i knew i did terribly in that oral exam so i didn't expect to be selected. i was actually dreading this letter because the moment i receive this would mean the long selection process would be officially over. but with the letter right before my eyes still hit me hard. i really wanted that position but i guess i will have to move on. the government is congratulating on my failure. ha, how ironic.

i should be happy that i am actually in the pool since a lot of people don't even get to have their names entered in the pool. this proves that i didn't do too bad which makes me feel slightly better. but seriously, what are the odds of a vacancy in half a year?

oh well... i suck.

posted by san san   4:50 PM