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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Finally. Finally.

It's the third week 2008. I finally have time to be by myself and chilling at home. It was crazy busy for the past month. They were fun busy but I am glad they are finally over. Christmas, New Year, parties, exams, wedding, birthdays and more birthdays, the dayshift/nightshift/dayshift/nightshift... Finally, finally, I get to breathe.

Well... not so much because the dayshift/nightshift thing is still going on plus work is way too dramatic. They should really film a tv series at work and called it "CFIA FUNG WUNG" (as in wind and cloud, haha). It is really reaching the climax now as the Season 1 big finale will be on the last week of January (yup, getting there!). And of course, Season 2 will continue right after. Thank god I DO have one very patient audience who follows this show religiously (sometimes, I think he knows more than I do, cuz I do forget things occasionally. =P).

Big finale will involve a big change for me. I now play such an important role in this series and my role is getting bigger and bigger by day! If everything goes according to plan, I will be working a different schedule very soon. My schedule will be a 4-on-4-off basis, meaning work 4 days and off 4 days but a 11 hr shift. Neat, eh? It IS kinda neat, cuz when I look at the calendar, I only work half the days. 4 days off = a LONGGGGG weekend every week. How sweet is that? Well, the pay off is to work on weekends if your shift does fall on Saturdays and Sundays. But still, I consider that a good deal and it IS going to happen and this dayshift/nightshift thing is going to end. It is just a matter of how and what other dramas will be involved.

I think I deserve a little break when all this chaos has settled down. I am planning to visit my aunt and cousins in LA in late February during my 4 days off (yay, I don't even need to take time off work!). I am also planning to visit HK in March where I will be taking 4 days off work and go to HK for 10 days or something (4 days leave = 12 days vacation). I really, really want to see my grandparents. I plan to do a lot of traveling this year but mostly short trips making good use of my 4 days off.

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