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nothing to update

Thursday, April 24, 2008

my friend just started this blog. go check it out. it is also under my links on the right.

april is almost over. i had been lazy and not updating. let me re-cap.
let's see... i was sick the first two weeks of april. first it was the cold, then the flu. also, with my parents away and my brother rushing on a project for work during the time i was too sick to get up was not fun at all. just when i was starting to get better, i had to start studying for an exam which i did horribly because i didn't have enough time to study. seriously, it wasn't fun to write these exams. every time i get the "opportunity" to write one, it means the start of a long process which ultimately ends in destroying a ton of my brain cells has just begun. this time was no exception. not to mention i spent a sunny, warm sunday at home studying when everyone was enjoying the beautiful weather because who would have thought in just a week's time, the weather would change drastically? it proved that snow in april is possible and it is never too late to snowboard (well... i did not go snowboarding cuz of work). yeah... boring month. i want to take some time off in may or june. perhaps i'll go somewhere...

that pretty much sums up april. *yawn* time for bed. goodnight.

posted by san san   9:23 PM