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i am refreshed

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

i'm back from my cruise! it was nice and relaxing. although it was a little too relaxing for my liking, it's ok - it's always good to have a little time-out and not think about work for a week. it was a miracle that i did not gain (much) weight after numerous full course meals. all those dinners that i had to go to after my return did not help at all!! >_< for those who owe me dinner still, it is a-ok to just leave me your "packages" at my doorstep. haha, kidding!! JUST kidding.

i will be off to vegas in two weeks! i heard it is going to be so hot there. maybe it is a good chance for me to immerse myself in this heat and lose those extra pounds!! i am sure it will be just like a suana :D. last time i went was 8 years ago during christmas. i am sure a lot has changed since then. oh, when i went to my agent to book the tickets, i got asked a lot of questions and the most priceless question was:
"miss, are you over 21?"

i am so looking forward to my vegas long weekend but i am very excited for september when i will be going to hk. not only i get another vacation, i get to be a very special friend's maid of honour. happy happy! =D i hope she is doing ok with all the preparations stuff... i feel guilty for not helping here but on the other hand, it's absolutely nice to get to be maid of honour but doesn't get to do the maid of honour responsibilities. Niceeee~

posted by san san   11:03 AM