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another awesome video

Monday, August 03, 2009

this video is pretty long. but you gotta watch from start to finish. it is pretty amazing.

my readers (not that there are many) were complaining that i haven't been posting updates about myself but instead posting videos as fillers. what do i have to say about this? well, when they say a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must worth a lot more, right? sorry folks, i don't have an exciting life really. and i don't want to bore you all with the same load of crap around me. seriously, you have heard them all.

so what have i done exciting lately? let's see... went to see coldplay (that was a while ago but i am still very excited about it. it was wicked!); went to see Les Miserables (that was brilliant - i was so glad i went); went to "Walk with the Dragon" (not "walk", but watched people walk. CFIA had a booth there for some reason and they sent me to work there. it was a very interesting day, you have no idea how many times i had to explain to the elders in many different languages what a luggage tag is and how to use it); went to whistler and back (boiling in whistler, i got sun burnt and the place is literally on fire now that i have returned. i hope it will be put out soon); watched a couple movies; went to "Celebration of lights"; the usual golf and badminton and read novels and manga/anime. see? told you my life is boring.

how many people are seriously considering about buying a portable air conditioner this year? i am. after experiencing the record breaking snowy winter we had, we have another record breaking summer. even though i love the sun and the heat, the heat does not like me. i pretty much stayed indoor the whole time last week since i was sweating even if i stayed still. i couldn't stay at home either since the house is like a greenhouse. i so i ended up "mall-skipping" everyday for the indoor a/c.

btw, i am surprised no one had any comment on my last post (video). that was pretty hilarious. i laughed my head off.

posted by san san   6:17 PM