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one day more

Saturday, September 26, 2009

i know i am under a lot of stress when i cannot sleep, or eat. i thought i am all calm and relaxed this time around but apparently, i am not. i always say a person under stressed will not admit he is stressed just as an insane person will always say he is sane. (i am really sane, btw)

everyone around me is telling me not to over think. i am so not, dammit! or at least i don't think i am. although i'd be lying to say i am not thinking about "stuff"... with so many things going on lately, what am i supposed to do? i wish someone can tell me which to choose, what to do. but i know it is something i have to decide on my own. what's going to happen in 3 months? in 6 months? this is the first time i feel all eyes are on me and i hope i don't disappoint. oh man, i can't bring myself to think. i hate it when i am not in control. and... certain news will come any day now, i am seriously freaking out.

just when i thought i have finally fixed everything in my life - one thing at a time, things are starting to fall apart again. so what the heck have i accomplished in the past few years?

tomorrow we'll be far away
tomorrow is the judgement day
tomorrow we will discover what our God in heaven has in store
one more dawn
one more day
one day more

posted by san san   8:06 PM