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comments section will soon be removed...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the comments box provider "haloscan" is no longer in operation after Feb 16... booo. however, you guys can always send me an email (since that's what most of you have been doing anyways), or you can select the post and blogger will prompt you to another page where you can see a tiny pencil icon for comments underneath the blog.

yesterday when I was having lunch with my parents, i received a phone call from my supervisor:
(supervisor = sv ; me = me)
sv: the director wants me to ask you if you want your resume distributed to Immigrations Canada and something something Reproduction Canada...
me: sure. i don't have a problem with that.
sv: i don't really know what the something something Reproduction Agency is... for all I know, it could be sperm bank.(jokingly)
me: haha, that's fine with me. you can tell him to go ahead with that.
sv: even if it's sperm bank?
me: even if it's sperm bank.

desperate times call for drastic measures.

posted by san san   5:16 PM