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Monday, January 31, 2005

i almost got killed by my coworker today. those of you who have heard of "Metamucil" may know that it contains mainly psyllium - a high fibre content material, which gels up in water. the function of this product is that it gels up over time and so it would be easy to push things out of your system (when you go to the washroom). anyway, the product is in a powder-form which you'll need to scoop 2 tbs out and mix it in a cup of water. there's also a choking hazard warning on the label that says it's very important to take this product with water (or else the powder will gel up in your airway and will kill you). and so, today was just like every other day - making new products day. since trade shows are near, my boss had decided to make "something new" and we came up with fibre chewables (neat, huh). and for some reason, instead of using "regular fibres", somebody decided to use psyllium and flavored it with apple cinnamon flavor. after she's done flavoring, she passed me the bottle and asked me to evaluate it. of course, with our R&D spirit, we have to taste the flavored powder we made ourselves. since i was working on some other project, had no idea that it contained psyllium, (i thought it was "regular fibre"... pooh) took a spoon and scooped out 1/2 a tsp of the flavored powder and tasted it. then, i realized it got stuck in my throat! (oh.. and now she told me she used psyllium) i immediately drank 2 cups of water but i could still feel a chunk stuck inside my throat!! took me 4 cups of water to totally get rid of the last piece! when i went to confront them (the 2 idiots that almost got me killed),
idiot #1: "who told you to use psyllium?"
idiot #2: "you."
idiot #1: "not me, i never said that."
idiot #2: "no, it was you."
idiot #1: "no, u."
idiot #2: "not me,u." .....

(and they went on for 1 min)

ok. only 3 ppl in my department and i was not involved in the above conversation.

that's it for today~

note to self: do not eat samples from the fibre blend. jovy did not wear gloves and he coughed into the powder. (yuck!)

posted by san san   8:20 PM

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

i'm afraid to fall asleep.
in daytime, i'm ok -
it's the dreams that haunt me.
they hurt everytime.
a repeat of the events that happened.
i hate it when i cry everytime in them
and to wake up with my pillow slightly damped.
but even though the dreams hurt,
i can still see you in them.
whereas when i'm awake,
i'm all alone.

i need more sleep.

posted by san san   1:32 PM

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Happy Birthday Bryan!

6 ice creams!

posted by san san   12:00 AM

Friday, January 21, 2005

OMG!! there was this murder in richmond last night: a psychiatrist got stabbed by his patient. BUT, this is not the whole story... the stabber is actually a customer of one of our sales guys! and this murderer purchased something from us last year (oh... and i think we were late on his orders =S). this sales guy is now all scared because he has quite a record of pissing his customers off! and i had my fun laughing at him all day.

the super bug in my office continues to spread. the whole QC department is infected. one of the QC then gave it to her husband who works in the production area. now, we have no tableting and encapsulating operators because they are all sick! yesterday, i actually had to run samples myself after knowing that some nightshift operator got his finger chopped off from the same machine i was operating =S! ~scary~ but, i compressed the tablets all by myself and walked out with 10 fingers still attached =). the sales ppl were pretty happy by my work because they needed the samples. who says girls can't handle the gigantic machine? u just need to remember not to put your fingers near the punches and always unplug the machine if u are to stick your fingers in. i mean, that's just work safety plus common sense.

posted by san san   9:16 PM

Thursday, January 20, 2005

ok... the year of 2005 certainly did not start out good for me BUT i'm moving on. i learned more about myself and ppl around me. i don't like it but hey, life sucks sometimes. at least i learn something from it.

i don't know why ppl usually think i am tough and strong (and i used to think the same). but, i just realized that i can be quite weak and pathetic. i can do some pretty crazy stuff that i never thought i would do. it kinda freaked me out and i don't like this new me. i hate myself turning into a paranoid, crazy person and i am putting an end to this (or at least i'm trying).

i need to thank my friends (that includes u, hunny) for being supportive in the past week. i know i scared the hell out of a few of you but i promise it won't happen again.^_^

posted by san san   6:40 PM

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

heartache. i remember my heart dropped when i knew of a very good friend's accidental death a few years ago.

i think i just had my 2nd heartbreak.

posted by san san   10:24 PM

today, a wrestler came into our office (of course for business! and no, he did not perform for us) and since my boss was having a meeting with another client, i had to talk to this guy. although i had already heard his voice from telephone conversations and seen his pics via the site. seeing the real person is quite different. he just looks like a normal "big" guy. haha... and no, i did not ask him for his autograph.

i think i am starting to feel sick. i am already drinking tons of H2O and i will go to bed soon. half of my coworkers are sick. bad bad ppl, spreading germs around. office is like a battlefield for my normal flora and the bacteria. ok... let the battle begin!

posted by san san   9:36 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

driving home from work was hell today. it was snowing pretty badly in coquitlam. even my baby 4x4 had several scary momments!! whew... lucky me, got home in one piece. took me an hour and half to get home(which wasn't too bad). But, the bad news is... my dad got into a car accident (dad and mom are both ok). luckily, the car hit a tree and so no other cars were involved. but, the front bumper and the left lights need to be replaced. so many people i know got into car accidents because of the snow! pooh.... i hate snow! everyone pls drive carefully.

posted by san san   6:47 PM

Monday, January 10, 2005

i did nothing productive in the weekend. i thought going back to work will make everything back on track. boy was i wrong! i didn't even feel like working today. prolly because i didn't have much sleep last night. i don't know why... i thought my amnesia was "healed". but last night, the longer i laid there on my bed, the more awake i was! damn! so i was like a walking zombie at work (again). well... i'll just put everything off untill tomorrow. now, i guess i'll just sit back and listen to some music.

-Don't give up on us - Starsky and Hutch (owen wilson) <-- i know this isn't the original.

Don't give up on us, baby

Don't make the wrong seem right
The future isn't just one night
It's written in the moonlight
And painted on the stars
We can't change ours

Don't give up on us, baby
Lord knows we've come this far
Can't we stay the way we are
The angel and the dreamer
Who sometimes plays a fool
Don't give up on us, I know
We can still come through-

i'm supposed to do some "thinking". but i don't know what to think...

posted by san san   6:51 PM

Sunday, January 09, 2005


posted by san san   2:58 PM

it's all white outside! and here i'm stuck at home doing nothing. maybe i'll go out later to grab something to eat.

it's MY first official weekend after the new yr/x'mas hype. last yr didn't end with a happy, cheerful atmosphere. the tragedy in the south east asia was just sad. why did nature pick that day/place for something like this to happen? but it sure did remind us how fortunate we are, and that we need to appreciate each other. it's a relieve to see how everyone around the world is donating without hesitation. it seems like suddenly everyone remembers that we are all living on the same planet. but why need something like this to happen in order to wake us up? me wonder and i admit i am one of those agnorant ones.

as i was saying, my first official weekend (and it's already sunday =S) and i'm doing nothing productive. wow... another 11 weeks before easter is here! that's 3 mths!! aiy... work work work again.

yes... i updated. and i will TRY to update more often.

posted by san san   11:42 AM