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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

i was so stupid.
i was at work today working my ass off when i couldn't find my marker. i searched my station high and low for my nearly-new, still very fine-tip marker, but could not find it. i even checked in my drawers. annoyed but still toting around the rest of my miscellaneous things, i checked the pocket of my labcoat for another one (it’s not as fine-tipped!) and it was not in there as well!!! frustrated, i went to the copyroom to get a new one when suddenly, i glanced down at my left hand, which was clutching...
you guessed it. the original marker had been in my hand the ENTIRE TIME i was looking for it.
now where in the hell did i put my other marker?
here it is.
i didn't think senility would happen this early in my life.

it was more than 2 months ago that the nasty virus started spreading in my office which had gotten everyone sick. i hate to say that the virus is STILL here, probably mutated a zillion times. seriously, EVERYONE had been hit except for me, and ... ME (touching wood)!! my boss got hit 3 times (sucker!). but i am feeling a little weird in my throat today. ahh... i dun wanna get sick!!! i'm going off to hybernate.

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