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the five people you meet in heaven

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

just finished the last chapter of this book i greatly enjoyed.

83 yr old eddie is the head maintenance person at an amusement park. he dies trying to save a little girl from a roller coaster and goes to heaven where he meets five people whose lives were woven into eddie's own in ways he never suspected. each soul has a story to tell, a secret to reveal and a lesson to share. kinda makes you think who the five people you'll meet in heaven are. a deeply touching story. T_T

thumbs up!

website here

posted by san san   11:51 PM

OLD? no.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

ahh... so refreshed. i slept til 11am. i did it!! i finally sleep til past 8am! i guess i was really burnt out yesterday.

i don't know about you guys, but i realize ever since i started working, my definition of going out "til late" has changed. back in the days, i would consider getting home around 1 - 2am "late". but yesterday, i got home a little past 11pm and i was already exhausted. i remember how we used to go out dining and "oh hey, it's only 10! let's go for a drink". now? "wow... it's almost 11? let's go home..." dang. >_<

i am officially old. there, i just admitted it. so don't say i'm in DENIAL. =P

i was talking to a VIP yesterday til almost 3am (whoops...two days in a row). i hope everything will go okay for her (i know you're reading). just remember, even you are a billion miles away from here, i'm only a phone call away if u ever needed anything.

on second thought... i am NOT OLD. i mean, i slept in!! that counts as something, does it?

posted by san san   12:02 PM

my day...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

102.7??? don't we hate this number? it was the price of gas from this morning. and it is still climbing. so they say in 5 yrs, the number is gonna double. man... as much as i love my baby 4X4, she is "eating" too much. i need a bigger paycheck just to compensate for the gas.

ppl at work love to waste our time. they did it again today which got me mad. today i started on a task that had been sitting on my desk for 3 days. it was an easy assignment: all I needed to do was to find a natural sweetener to replace the artificial one in the standard; made up samples and product specs, and sent them out. easy. let’s see… took me 30 min to make a blend for trials, 15 min to find the right natural sweetener and its level; another 5 min to try it in chocolate flavor; 45 min to make 8 individual serving bottles all packed and sealed; 20 min to type out the product specs and were ready to ship out. that was like a little more than 2 hrs of work. sounds pretty effective, eh? but NOOOOO… just when I had everything ready to go, i got this forwarded email from someone with more info regarding this project. apparently, the natural sweetener i used is not legal in australia! first of all, NOBODY told me this product is going to aussie. second of all, the damn email was dated back 3 days ago!! so thnx for forwarding it now. this means my 2 hrs just went to waste because I couldn’t ship out the samples. then i saw 10 more new formulas on my desk waiting for me to formulate. i’m sorry but i guess your stupid assignment would have to wait now because I have gotten new priorities...

and so i was sitting at my desk typing formulas (they’re all multivitamin formulas which i hate because they are LOOONNNG). i was busy calculating something when suddenly my computer froze. normally, i would save my work every 10 min or so, but i was focusing too much on my calculator obviously for a very long time. so i was like "SHIT!" and within the next 5 sec, all i could hear was ppl screaming, swearing, pounding on their desks, stomping on the floor. evidently, everyone didn’t save in time. all i could do was laugh hopelessly but in my head i was thinking… hmmm… when did I last save? and i was about to find out…

the stupid system tried to reconnect itself automatically, but failed. seemingly, the whole system was DOWN, even our telephones were down (jeez… what’s wrong with this place?) Since most ppl can't do a thing w/o computer, this gave them the perfect chance to walk around, talk to other ppl, and slack off. as for us - we kept ourselves busy by checking production lines, a little trip to the warehouse, and reading food magazines. we were finally able to log on after 1 hr.

oh… the formula that i was working on - i couldn’t even find it. which means either it went MIA mysteriously or i didn’t save it from the start. i guess the latter makes more sense... it was only one-third done and it “died” before i gave it a file name.

is what i call - a day when u should have done a lot but in fact NOTHING WAS DONE.

posted by san san   11:35 PM


Saturday, April 02, 2005

so i guess there will be one more person joining our work team very soon. i actually interviewed that person today. it went ok until i found out i am younger than her. how did i find out? she graduated in the same year as i was but she told me she was born in the year of Dragon. is that a good thing or a bad thing for me? i dunno yet... being the youngest one in the company forever is not a good thing. but i'll try to think positive as i always have been. she seems to be a nice person, although my coworker doesn't seem to like her and then my psycho boss' psychic kicks in and said something funny. (his psychic is pretty accurate sometimes... i remember he tried to tell me something back in december but i didn't listen)....

oh... and guess what other ppl are going to call our team? CHARLIE AND HIS ANGELS aka Charlie's Angels. but the members are gonna change again some time in june when somebody leaves. =(

and somebody april-fooled me today at work!

posted by san san   1:11 AM