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OLD? no.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

ahh... so refreshed. i slept til 11am. i did it!! i finally sleep til past 8am! i guess i was really burnt out yesterday.

i don't know about you guys, but i realize ever since i started working, my definition of going out "til late" has changed. back in the days, i would consider getting home around 1 - 2am "late". but yesterday, i got home a little past 11pm and i was already exhausted. i remember how we used to go out dining and "oh hey, it's only 10! let's go for a drink". now? "wow... it's almost 11? let's go home..." dang. >_<

i am officially old. there, i just admitted it. so don't say i'm in DENIAL. =P

i was talking to a VIP yesterday til almost 3am (whoops...two days in a row). i hope everything will go okay for her (i know you're reading). just remember, even you are a billion miles away from here, i'm only a phone call away if u ever needed anything.

on second thought... i am NOT OLD. i mean, i slept in!! that counts as something, does it?

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