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Friday, March 11, 2005

thank god it's friday! i had a very busy week at work. i worked for 63 hrs! that was just insane. i was sooo exhausted yesterday that i actually thought i was gonna pass out. today was slightly better but it was still freaking 9 hrs! why dun i get OT pay?

it turns out that the software i used for tax filing (taxwiz) sucks and it didn't let my $RRSPs$ went through. i knew something was wrong when my brother said he is owing the gov't a few hundred bucks. whew... so i do get $$ back! i can go shop shop!

2 japanese guys came in to meet with us today. they were trying to introduce us their special "probiotics", which they claim can cure cancer. they started off by wanting to give us a general lecture about Probiotics. but since my know-it-all boss thinks he knows everything about probiotics, he asked them not to waste our time and just tell us why they think their material is better than other companies. the japanese guys however, insisted on giving us the presentation and so we had to let them. it was a very bad presentation. they kept on giving us numbers of how their material cures cancer (which to me, made no sense at all). then, they started to talk about the experiment they did on rats. the description of the experiment was long, boring, and inhumane. and when we asked them technical questions, they just gave us a blank look and said "hmmm... good question." the whole meeting lasted over an hour and what did i get from it?

poor rats.

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