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Stress Management 101

Thursday, May 19, 2005

i’m under huge stress lately and is killing me both physically and mentally. i know a lot of u are dealing with stress at the moment too. below is a list of what i did in the past few days that i thought might help:

1. talk to your friends. and thank you for the lovely comments, emails, and phone calls. they definitely helped. ^_^

2. hop in your car and drive. i know this doesn’t sound like something i would do. but it’s exciting and adventurous when you don't know where you're gonna end up. so be spontaneous. follow the car in front of you or any nice cars u see on the road. (note to self and everyone: don’t go out in the middle of the night - or if you do, make sure to take a friend with you. or else you will get yelled at by your mom. oh, and try to do this when it’s not raining because you might end up feeling more depressed than before you left the house. and try not to get lost too.)

3. get a bolster(or anything). if you already have one, then name it. mine is ying-ying (don’t ask). talk to him/her when u feel down, depressed. share your joys, sorrows, worst fears, etc etc. (ok, i know i'm weird.)

4. watch some tv/ comedy. get some laughs. (too bad May is the finale month. kinda sad that most shows are ending.)

5. read/listen to your fav book/music. currently Harry Potter/ Il Divo

6. have dreams and believe in them. be optimistic – or at least try to.

7. go party. go crazy.

8. eat healthy/ sleep early. again, at least try to.

9. start planning a vacation/get away. just thinking about it already gets me happy. definitely gives me something to look forward to. (yay to my Mission Impossible and MI2!)

10. laugh at your own little silly incidents...
incident 1: i was watching tv in my mom’s bedroom with her talking on the phone in the background. i somehow fell asleep FACE DOWN with glasses on (what? i'm sure this must have happened to someone before?). i woke up 20 min later with a bruise on the bridge area. did I mention it hurt too? note to self: remember to take off glasses before dozing off. aii.. stupid me.

incident 2: i decided to go to bed earlier one night. normally, i would wake up before the alarm goes off, right? but no, i actually had to turn it off myself the next morning. with my eyes still closed (didn’t know why i was still feeling kinda sleepy), i changed, and even brushed my teeth. just as i was hopping around my room getting ready, i glanced over and saw the clock on my desk (not the one on my bedside that woke me). although i hadn’t put my glasses on, i was pretty sure the hour hand was pointing no where close to 7, or 6. i walked closer... WTF?? 04:50 o.O??? i searched for my cell phone and my watch, they both read 04:55. then my alarm clock again? 0710. (boo!)
apparently, my clock’s battery was dying and the clock at some point stopped for like 10 hours or so. but it obviously 死o吾斷氣 and decided to move again to finish its job. nice. no wonder i couldn’t open my eyes! in the end, i had to change again to sleep. but then it got kinda bright so i couldn’t sleep.

ok. that wasn’t funny. i was only being sarcastic. and hey, it was pretty bright at 5am so i couldn't tell!

if all of the above didn’t work. seek some professional help. pay your doc a little visit. yes, i am definitely going sometime this week...

P.S. i'm not a drug addict, or an alcoholic, or a hemp activist.

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