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Monday, February 27, 2006

after a long sleeping marathon, i am almost back to normal. although i still wake up at 5 in the morning. it's much better than sleeping 30 hrs in 2 days.

today i finally finished reading all the emails i got at work during the time i was away. all 168 of them. the more i read, the more i am convinced that i have made the right choice. the place is completely different from what i started almost 4 years ago. this place is now practically a joke and full of sh!t. time to get out!

tomorrow will be my last day to work at this place. i was kind of hoping that this day would never come before. now i just hope to get through the day as soon as possible. i have already told my boss not to let anyone know i'm leaving. i don't need someone to throw me a farewell party, invite me to lunches, or hug me goodbye. i just want to depart quietly.

no one is gonna notice anyway.

posted by san san   7:39 PM

i'm back

Sunday, February 19, 2006

vancouver welcomes me with -1 oC.

yay~ i'm back! although the flight back was torture, i'm glad i'm back.

i'll miss my dear ones in hk though =(. thank you for telling me what i'm capable of when i was starting to lose myself =).

now that i'm here, what should i do?


that will be my plan for both today and tomorrow.

work will resume on tuesday. AIYA!

posted by san san   2:13 PM


Sunday, February 12, 2006

i have trouble sleeping for the past few nights.

maybe it's the coffee.

maybe it's the sofa.

maybe it's the noise.

i'm tired though. everyday 7am - 2am does take a toll on the body.

but not just physically. mentally as well.

maybe i suddenly realized that reality is getting closer. one more week and i'll have to face the challenges ahead of me. many thoughts went through my head when i was lying on the sofa, making my brain more cloudy than ever.

i feel like in the middle of nowhere. somebody please direct me which way to go.

maybe i'll know what to do when i return. i have much free time to think. it's gonna be a long holiday, which is good. i need a break.

posted by san san   8:05 PM

HK part 2

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

again, as usual, i am finally.... sick.

luckily, it's really mild this time. i'm already better and shopping. =)

went to a new year dinner with relatives i barely know. a kid, maybe 3 years old, came up to me and said:

kid: jeh jeh....
me: hai?
kid: jeh jeh, kung hei fat choy... sum sheung si sing... ching chun sheung jue!
me: oh... gwai...
kid: mo lai see ga?
me: ..... ~_~"

i couldn't believe some kid asked me for lai see... so sad. and so i had to spend 3 minutes explaining to the kid that only AUNTIES give out lai see's. JEH JEH, on the other hand, receives lai see's just like he does.

i don't think he believed me. =::(

posted by san san   1:06 AM