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Friday, March 17, 2006

went to see a doctor today about my wrist and shoulder. my wrist shouldn't be a problem now, although it will still take maybe another month before it is 100% healed. my shoulder, on the other hand, is a little more complicated than i thought.

u guys should probably know i have this pain in my shoulder(s) for ages and it is not something that physiotherapy or simply massages can help. so today i went to this doctor whom i only go to when my family physician is NOT AVAILABLE (but this doc is so much nicer than my family physician! i'm seriously considering about switching over to him). this nice doctor checked my shoulders and decided that i should see another specialist (orthopaedics). they have some needle-steroid-injection-thing that can treat it! wait... treat it?? not just make the pain go away but TREAT IT???? i mean, why didn't anyone suggest this to me before? yeah, it's steroid (it's not like i haven't taken it before) and it's not 100% effective. but just hearing the magic words already made me feel like in heaven (and so i couldn't quite remember the rest of the conversation...)! i had been suffering for like 10 years and i have seen so many doctors and yet none of them told me about this option? wtf? even in the end, if it turns out i couldn't have the needle... i would still like to know there is an option out there... right?

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