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another sleepless night

Monday, October 27, 2008

it's been a few days since i started on the new drug. this drug, at first i didn't want to take it. for the first time, i tried to persuade my doc not to prescribe me this drug. but now that i have started on it, i can only hope it works. and holy, this drug alone is EXPENSIVE!!! $416 per month!! thank god the government is paying most of it (i am part of the study - guinea piggy #X), and my insurance is paying most part of the remaining which makes it less crazy.

anyway, crazy drug means crazy side effects. so far, i have experienced insomnia many many many many nights in a row now (update* plus backpain). i have a total of 1.5 hr sleep everynight which isn't too bad because i don't really feel tired in the morning. i remember similar stuff happened when i first started on certain drugs many years ago so i guess this is just a transition period for my body to get use to it. as for the other side effects... ummm i don't want to think about them yet.

i am hoping i can return to work by november, hopefully next saturday or the monday. i have been away from work for too long. kinda miss going to work (plus, i need to work to pay off my meds, i guess...). but i might need to work something out with my manager to perhaps start with shorter hours at first. maybe life will return back to a little more normal when i get my work life back. 2 months without work makes a person go crazy as well. i am starting to forget all the rules and regulations already.

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