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100 things that i hate

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

i don't usually whine. but just let me this time. it's pretty damn long. so don't read it if u are sick of hearing people complaining.

i hate it when... *deep breath*

1. people are rude.
2. people don't ask before they take my things.
3. i cannot remember where i put my things.
4. i know where i put it but i can't find it.
5. it pops up out of nowhere when i don't need it.
6. i had a really good dream but can't remember what i dreamt of when i wake up.
7. i always stay up late when i really should get more sleep.
8. i really want to sleep but i can't.
9. i am awake before my alarm clock goes off.
10. i wake up at 8 every saturday + sunday mornings when everyone is still sleeping.
11. everyone's still sleeping and i'm awake with nothing to do.
12. i have this major headache because i didn't have a good sleep.
13. my hands and feet are so freaking cold that they actually hurt.
14. every single part of my body hurts.
15. i say good morning to someone and they don't say it back.
16. people at work drives me crazy.
17. people think i'm 17 when i'm in fact err... a few years older than that...
18. people think i'm still in school.
19. people think i know nothing because they think i'm still in school.
20. people are arrogant and think that they know everything.
21. arrogant people come asking me for help and don't thank me after.
22. i don't really want to help them but still do at the end.
24. people don't tell me stuff.
25. people snoop.
26. people sit on my bed in street clothes.
27. kids scream for no reason.
28. people yell at their kids in public.
29. i have no sense of direction.
30. the mileage of my car goes up like a rocket even though i only drive to/from work.
31. my car is always dirty.
32. it rains on the next day right after i finally decided to wash my car.
33. birdies lay poo poo on my car right after i washed it.
34. i can't see the roads cleary because it's a rainy night.
35. i have to drive a total 2+ hrs to work and back home on a bad day.
36. i'm usually sleepy when i drive.
37. i speed.
38. people drive dangerously.
39. people get in accidents because there are bad drivers out there.
40. i think i have accomplished a lot after a long day of work but in fact i accomplished nothing.
41. i over estimate myself.
42. nobody understands me.
43. i don't know what i'm thinking.
44. i don't always put in 100% when i work, not even 60% sometimes.
45. it's time for RRSP. oink!
46. my company takes way too much tax off my salary.
47. gas price stands high.
48. car insurance is due.
49. people can't make up their minds.
50. i cannot make up my mind.
51. i ask people a question and they ask me "what do u think?"
52. people judge me by how i look.
53. i judge people by how they look.
54. people back-stab me.
55. people lie to me but i can't say a word.
56. i can easily be influenced by other people.
57. i make mistakes.
58. i make the same mistake over and over.
59. doctors say there is nothing they can do.
60. the receptionist of my doctor's office actually recognizes my voice.
61. i get sick all the time.
62. i am a bitch.
63. i can be an emotional roller coaster at times.
64. i'm moody and take it out on people that care about me most.
65. i hurt people that care about me most and that hurts me even more.
66. i do things to hurt myself.
67. my room is like a mess.
68. people are always late.
69. people think i am always happy.
70. i think i'm tough and strong but in fact i'm the exact opposite.
71. people are cocky, stupid, stubborn and don't listen.
72. i think certain people do the most stupidest thing but i do the same too.
73. i hide my feelings.
74. i procrastinate.
75. i wish i was smarter.
76. people leave without saying goodbye.
77. i cry for no reason.
78. i am forgetful.
79. i chickened out and missed my chance.
80. i trust people easily.
81. people whom i had trusted most let me down.
82. i tell people i can take care of myself but i don't know how.
83. i eat too much junk food when i should be eating more healthily.
84. they say they don't have my size.
85. i want something really bad but i can't have it.
86. things don't work out the way i hoped.
87. i cannot let certain things go.
88. i pretend i am ok when i am not.
89. my cell phone rings a lot less.
90. people don't reply my emails.
91. people send me chain emails.
92. things change.
93. too personal.
94. too personal.
95. too personal.
96. too personal.
97. i am not getting any younger!
98. more than half of this list are things that i hate about MYSELF.
99. the list can go on and on.
100. i'm typing this long ass list when i should be happy that i'm actually a lot more fortunate than many people out there.

thanks for reading~ i feel slightly better. *exhales*. g'nite.

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