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Star Wars III: The creation and the end

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

it was a long weekend. so i went to watch it.

never have i watched a movie that i had to get there an hour before the show started even i already bought the tickets from the night before.

i liked the movie. i think it was better than the first two episodes.

maybe because it shows the beginning of the era of Darth Vader but it is also the end of the entire Star Wars series.
in my opinion, this was a pretty sad and depressing movie.
how Anakin lost everything. well, other than the power he gained after he ended up with a monstrous appearance instead of a gorgeous Hayden’s face.

i felt like applauding at the end of the movie.
i felt like crying as well.

if you haven’t seen it, please do go. this is one of the movies that you shouldn’t miss.

may the force be with you.

now i want to watch episodes IV - VI again. maybe i'll rent them later. who's with me?

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