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Tuesday, January 31, 2006


haha... i hope u guys know what i was saying. if not, ask me and i'll tell u :P

this is probably the hottest CNY i have ever experienced! it was 20c the day i arrived and 23c yesterday! how come?? CNY was always kinda cold when i was a little girl! was i having hallucinations?

well.. and again, like everytime i was in hk. in just 2 days, i have already walked more than what i could have walked in a month in vancouver. i also ate more than what i could have eaten in a week in vancouver (so the 2 balanced out). luckily, shopping hasn't started.... :S

i miss bb4x4!

posted by san san   6:29 PM

counting down: 4 more days...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

ok ppl, if u need me to bring anything back from hk. let me know, email me. i should have access to the internet in hk. same goes for the ppl in hk. if u need something from here, tell me now!

i only worked half day today. although i AM sick (i'm not making this up!), it's not to the extent that i needed to go home... at least, i wouldn't go home if this was half a year ago. i guess i just don't care anymore.

i will be home alone and sick starting tomorrow. ppl, be nice to me. don't come down to my house in the middle of the night to haunt me, ok?

posted by san san   6:35 PM

end of an era

Monday, January 23, 2006

bye bye Liberals.

ah well... i voted for them.

let's see what the Conservatives can do.

posted by san san   10:45 PM

Election Canada!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

hey fellow Canadians, go vote on monday!

i checked out the link from vic's blog and i was suprised at my results:

1. Jack Layton Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada (100%)
2. Stephen Harper Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (75%)
3. Paul Martin Leader of Liberal Party of Canada, Prime Minister of Canada (58%)
4. Gilles Duceppe Leader of the Bloc Quebecois (41%)

75% Conservatives? hmm... interesting.

posted by san san   10:22 AM

counting down: 15 days!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days...

i'm okay. really. thank you everyone for being there for me. i am so lucky to have you guys! i luv you all!

the timing couldn't get any better. with my big holiday coming up, it gives me a perfect chance to take a step back and think certain things through. yes, a holiday is exactly what i need! when i come back, i am gonna start everything anew; whether a new job, a new goal in life, or whatever. i want... a change!

but a change is just a change. for better or for worse? i am gonna find out!

went to see doc doc yesterday. he asked me a very simple question:

"what do u see yourself doing 5 years from now?"


this is a very simple question... and yet, i don't know the answer. once i have that figured out, i'll work my way towards it. but right now, i just want a long break.

people, what do u see yourself doing 5 years from now?

posted by san san   5:13 PM

end = new start?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

time always beats me.

i have a thing for procrastination. i thought about doing it for months. i procrastinated. and now, i might not even get a choice.

i hesitated. but it seemed to me that u had already given me up before i could say anything. there were so many things i wanted to complain about in the past few months. now they're totally pointless and i'm gonna keep them all to myself. this i learned from past experience - some things are better left unsaid. yeah, i agree this may be the best way for us. i know u tried every possible way to help.

i actually felt bad when i thought i had to tell you i am leaving. well, now u don't even need to know. u are the bad guy, not me.

i don't hide stuff. i tell people everything. i don't stab people in the back. does that mean i'm wrong? if i am, too bad. i'm stubborn and i won't change.

i had already given up long ago. i couldn't see a future even if i stayed. when i couldn't smile when i'm there, it's time for me to go. that was why i didn't even bother to negotiate. but still, it hurts to know.

this is a joke. it's so funny that i'm gonna head to bed and cry. no... i won't cry. this is actually a good thing- first good news since the start of 2006. the timing is almost perfect. everything will start to fall back in the right places from now on... right?

i just need to lie down.

posted by san san   10:11 AM

Highlights of the NIGHT

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Where we said...

E's mum to E: everyone's wearing coats! Why aren't u wearing a coat?

V: I'm not wearing a coat... But I have a scarf.
L: O... I have both.

E's mum to G: Where's your scarf!!!!
G: ... umm

E: u guys can teach her Cantonese.
G: O... u want to learn Cantonese?
H: Nooooo!
GLEV: ??

V: (high pitch) Nononononononononononono!!!

E: how come it's so dark in here?
V: no lamp post around here... but there are x'mas lights!

L: Gingerbread Latte!!

G: I am getting a deja vu...

L: Gingerbread Latte!!

E: how come it's so dark in here?
V: no lamp post around here... but there are x'mas lights!

G: wait... I'm getting a second deja vu...

V: (checking) 5 4 1 0!

E: we have another party to go to.
(this is highlight of the night! i was so relieved)


E: I need to wash my hands.

E: I need to wash my hair.


Haha... we had fun, didn't we? thank you hunnys for "saving" me from DEMON (could have come sooner!) =)

Happy New Year!!

posted by san san   9:47 AM